




Product Designer


UX Research, Product Roadmapping, JTBD, Rapid Prototyping


2022 - 2023


🌐 Context

🌐 Context

Web 3.0 is the next evolutionary phase of the internet that is less controlled by large organizations, putting individuals in charge of their own data and privacy. One key application of Web3 technology is the creation and exchange of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These are unique digital assets that can represent ownership of creative works like art or music. NFTs allow for direct sales between artists and collectors, without the need for middle-man like galleries or auction houses, which helps support independent creators and promote a more equitable creative economy. When buying and tracking NFTs, individuals can own unique digital assets and contribute to the growing community of NFT enthusiasts.

⚠️ Challenge

Buyers are looking for an edge to accessing information on upcoming releases

In the NFT space, buyers constantly compete for information on limited releases and airdrop events to secure rare NFTs, driven by the fear of missing out and the desire to enhance their reputation among collectors. Buyers need reliable sources of information to gain an advantage in timing these lucrative events while avoiding scams. Buyers rely on community platforms like Discord, Twitter, and Telegram for exclusive information on limited releases and airdrop events, but these platforms also pose significant risks due to scammers creating fake airdrops or phishing schemes to steal private keys and funds

📑 Research

Defining user cohorts to scope our ideal users

To understand the workflows for NFT purchasing and identify pain points, we interviewed 3 users and found 3 key friction points: juggling different tools to scout information, checking transaction receipts to avoid phishing scams, and cross-referencing with other users to inform purchase decisions.

We brainstormed 6 potential user segments via journey mapping. Based on the need for quickly obtaining NFT release information and the motive of increasing their reputation among other collectors, we identified “NFT Enthusiasts” as our core target user group.

🧠 Strategy & Ideation

Optimizing NFT Purchasing through User Journey Mapping

To optimize the design of NFT purchasing platforms and improve user satisfaction, we conducted user journey mapping across four distinct NFT purchasing journeys. By identifying pain points and opportunities from NFT discovery to ownership, we prioritized key features such as connecting wallets and following NFT artists. This resulted in a more streamlined NFT purchase process and improved user satisfaction.

We ideated and refined eight use-cases for NFT buyers based on our user journey mapping insights, then narrowed our focus to two that closely aligned with our product vision and market demand: a die-hard collector obsessed with rare items and a social media personality who enjoys collecting their favorite artists' work. By designing features and functionalities catering to these use-cases, we created five design ideations.

🔁 Testing & Iteration

Initial design validation through rapid prototyping

To optimize the information arrangement, filtering and interaction elements, A/B testings were conducted through rapid prototyping with the 2 use-cases in mind. We conducted 4 rounds of A/B testing and iterated on the prototypes based on user feedback, allowing us to refine the features and create a user-friendly platform. This process enabled us to quickly and efficiently test and refine our design ideas, resulting in a MVP that met user needs and preferences, while also overcoming web3 design challenges such as complex wallet integrations.

🎯 Stakeholder Management & Iteration

Iteration of information and event cards through A/B Testing and Rapid Prototyping

Our team made a decision after learning more about current user mental models to showcase information in a familiar format that allows users to quickly scan without feeling overwhelmed.

In order to streamline and improve development efficiency, we replaced our custom design UI elements by leveraging a component library to ensure consistency, minimize testing and allowed us to quickly customize, iterate and deploy.

During the development phase after the 4rd A/B testing session, the design implementation were estimated and scoped to define trade-offs. The user experience was validated with users and the trade-off was reviewed by stakeholders with design options concluding with alignment on the final iteration.









2021 - 2022

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Portfolio 2024